
Canvas Prints

Great for branding, in-office directions and more.
  • Tough, clear 0.3cm acrylic that looks like glass
  • Art-quality canvas material.
  • Drilled holes available for mounting
  • Beveled edges for a smooth, professional look
  • Available in 4 sizes, from 7.62 cm x 20.32 cm to 30.48 cm x 45.72 cm

  • Product Code: Canvas Prints
  • Availability: In Stock

Personalise any space with photo canvas prints.

Canvas prints are reproductions of digital images or artwork that are professionally printed onto canvas material, typically stretched and mounted onto wooden frames for display. These prints have gained popularity for their aesthetic appeal and versatility in decorating homes, offices, and commercial spaces. Here are some key features and uses of canvas prints:
High-Quality Reproduction: Canvas prints are created using high-resolution digital printing technology, ensuring the accurate reproduction of colors, details, and textures from the original image or artwork.
Canvas Material: The image is printed onto a canvas fabric, often made from cotton or polyester, which adds a textured, tactile quality to the print.
Stretched and Mounted: Canvas prints are typically stretched over wooden frames, creating a ready-to-hang artwork that doesn't require additional framing. This process gives the print depth and dimension.
Customization: Canvas prints can be customized in terms of size, aspect ratio, and even cropping to fit specific spaces and design preferences.
Artistic Appeal: The texture of the canvas and the appearance of brushstroke-like patterns can lend an artistic quality to the print, making it resemble a traditional painting.
Durability: High-quality canvas prints are designed to be durable and long-lasting, with UV-resistant inks that resist fading and warping over time.
Versatile Decor: Canvas prints are suitable for various interior design styles and settings, from modern and minimalist to traditional and eclectic.
Personalization: They make for thoughtful and personalized gifts, allowing individuals to turn their own photographs, artwork, or cherished memories into decorative pieces.
Home and Office Decor: Canvas prints are used to enhance the decor of living spaces, bedrooms, offices, lobbies, restaurants, and other commercial environments.
Art Exhibitions: Many artists and photographers use canvas prints to showcase their work in galleries and exhibitions, providing a cost-effective way to display and sell art.

We are a team of passionate and creative individuals who are committed to providing exceptional printing and advertising services at best available prices to our clients. With a rich experience, a committed team of diligent and experts we are capable of catering our services to the various clients all over the space. Our team of experts has in depth knowledge and hands on experience in their respective domains who execute the operations very effectively within defined time. Our customer care unit is solely devoted to solve and answer clients queries at any time. Gathered the clients requirements from the customer care unit we work upon the services and cater them according to the specifications given.
Country of origin: India

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